The Edit Menu

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The Edit Menu

The Edit Menu contains eight items:

In order to perform some of these functions, you will also need to know how to Select strokes, notes or other elements.


To undo a previous action choose Edit->Undo or press Ctrl+Z. Hyperscore supports multiple undo actions. Undo applies to create and delete Melody and Percussion Windows, create and delete Sketch Windows, window resize, and all note and stroke placement, movement and resize actions. Undo also applies to Harmony Line manipulations.

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To redo a previously undone action choose Edit->Redo or press Ctrl+Y.

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Select a note or stroke

To use Cut, Copy or Paste actions, it is first necessary to select a note, stroke or group of notes or strokes.

To select a single note or stroke, first click the Arrow Tool in the top left-hand corner of the main Hyperscore window.

Arrow Tool

Now click on the desired note or stroke. It will be highlighted by a red box and may be cut or copied.

Highlighted Stroke

To select a number of notes or strokes, first check the Arrow Tool. Ensure that the Sketch, Melody or Percussion Window containing the desired notes or strokes is selected by clicking on it (you will know that a particular window is selected as the playbar will appear). Now click and drag to select the required group of notes or strokes.

If you begin the dragging action in a window, then this single click action will automatically select the window and begin the drag. However, if you wish to select a group of objects, sometimes it is easier to begin the dragging action somewhere on the background canvas. In this case it will be necessary to first select the required window (using the Arrow Tool) and then begin the click-drag action.

Selecting Notes

On lifting the mouse, any notes within the drag rectangle will be selected.

Selected Notes

If you wish to precisely select a small number of strokes or notes from within a more complex texture, you may do so by choosing the Arrow Tool and successively Shift-clicking on the required strokes or notes. The texture of the selected strokes or notes will change.

Selected notes or strokes may be cut, copied, dragged into position or moved up/down or left/right using the arrow keys. Notes or strokes may be de-selected by clicking anywhere other than on a selected note or stroke.

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Select All may be used to select all notes or strokes in a Melody, Percussion or Sketch Window. Using the Arrow Tool, first select the required window, then chooses Select All from the Edit Menu or press Ctrl+A.

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Cut operates on any note or combination of notes in the Melody and Percussion Windows, or any stroke or combination of notes in the Sketch Window.

Select the desired note(s) or stroke(s) as described above and choose Edit->Cut from the Edit Menu or press Ctrl-X. The selected note or stroke will be removed from the window, but will be copied to the clipboard and may then be pasted to the same or another window.

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Copy operates on any note or combination of notes in the Melody and Percussion Windows, or any stroke or combination of notes in the Sketch Window.

Select the desired note(s) or stroke(s) as described above and choose Edit>Copy from the Edit Menu or press Ctrl+C. The selected note(s) or stroke(s) will remain in the window, but will be copied to the clipboard and may then be pasted to the same or another window.

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Having either cut or copied notes or strokes from the Melody, Percussion or Sketch Windows, these may be pasted into other windows of similar type.

To paste musical material into a window, use the Arrow Tool to select the required window and choose Edit>Paste from the Edit Menu or press Ctrl+V.

It is not possible to paste material from a Melody or Percussion Window into the Sketch Window or vice versa.

In a Melody or Percussion Windows, the paste action will overwrite any notes in the destination window. Pasted notes will always appear beginning at the left-most part of the destination window. They will automatically be selected, as indicated by the red box and the notes which they will overwrite will be greyed out UNLESS Polyphonic Melody is enabled.

Pasting Notes

Clicking on any note of the selected group will enable the selected notes to be dragged into position or, alternatively, they may be moved using the arrow keys on the keyboard. When the notes have been correctly positioned they may be finally placed by clicking anywhere other then on a note. At this point, any overwritten notes will be erased. Pressing the delete key before finally placing the new notes will erase them and restore the previous contents of the window.

If Polyphonic Melody is enabled, then the new notes will be layered with the previous contents of the window.

Polyphonic Melody

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To Delete a note or stroke, or a group of notes or strokes, first select the desired note(s) or stroke(s) as described above then choose Edit->Delete from the Edit Menu.

The Delete action may also be accessed by use of the Backspace or Delete keys. These keys will operate on notes or strokes as well as the windows themselves if no elements in the windows are selected.

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Send To Back

To Send To Back a Motive, Percussion, or Sketch window first select the desired window then choose Edit->Send To Back from the Edit Menu or press CTRL+B.

Sketch Window in Front

The Send To Back action will allows users to view windows that may be overlapped with another window without moving any of them. To bring a window back to the Front, simply click anywhere away from the desired window to unselect that window. Then reselect the desired window by clicking on it.

Sketch Window Sent to Back

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