Copy and Paste in the Percussion Window

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Cut, Copy and Paste in the Percussion Window work in a similar fashion to the Melody Window. Musical material may be copied and pasted within a window or between different windows.

Copying and Pasting within a Percussion Window

When copying within a Percussion Window, first drag or shift-click and to select the required notes. Press Ctrol+C to copy and Ctrl+V to paste. If no track is selected, the notes will paste into the same track as that from which they were copied, and will be placed immediately after the last (rightmost) note in the track. If another track is selected, the notes will paste into the selected track, and will be placed immediately after the last (rightmost) note in the track.

If notes in multiple tracks are selected, they will maintain the inter-track position relationships and will paste such that the top-most track of the copied group will be placed in the selected track.

Copying and Pasting between Percussion Windows

Copy and Paste between windows works in a similar fashion. Material selected and copied in one Percussion Window may be pasted into another window. If no track is selected in the receiving window, notes will paste into tracks equivalent to those in which they were placed in the window from which they were copied. If a track is selected, notes will paste such that the top-most track of the copied group will be placed in the selected track.

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